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The IV Pole Staff and Patients Will Love

An IV Pole Nurses Will love An IV Pole Nurses Will Love While an IV pole may seem quite unimportant and just expected to be there, it bridges the gap between the most effective treatment results and the repetition of everyday tasks. A well-designed and functional IV pole can incorporate a number of features that […]

Manual Handling Injuries in the Workplace

Did you know that manual handling injuries in the workplace cost Australia $28B per year? So, what should hospitals, clinics and care facilities be doing to improve further the safety of their workers, and patients?

Stainless Steel Maintenance and Cleaning

Stainless Steel Maintenance and Cleaning Stainless steels are often specified because of their attractive appearance, even though their main attributes are long service life, anti-microbial factors and low maintenance costs. But all materials – including stainless steels – may become stained in time by dirt, oil, grease, paint, etc. which may impair the overall impression. […]

Stainless Steel Medical Trolleys Benefits And Usage In Healthcare Settings

Stainless Steel Medical Trolleys Benefits & Usage in Healthcare Settings The Hospital, Medical and Healthcare Industry has widespread use of Stainless Steel Medical Trolleys. Stainless Steel Medical Trolleys Benefits and Usage in Healthcare Settings The Hospital, Medical and Healthcare Industry has widespread use of Stainless Steel Medical Trolleys. Stainless Steel Products are typically used by […]

The Rise of the Humble Sink

Equipment manufacturing

The Rise of the Humble Sink It would seem so basic that your sterilising departments had sinks as part of your cleaning regime and equipment, but there are sinks with special needs for every part of this vital infection control process. Each of them has a shape, a size, a depth, and a location for […]

Not all Metals are Created Equal – Stainless Steel

Not all metals are created equal There are many ways to identify the difference between metals and the grades of Stainless Steel. However, the easiest is using a magnet – if it sticks it’s either a Nickel Chrome or a lesser grade. Use products that will care for your products. Some guidelines (ASSDA) show that […]

How Rapid is your Response to a Cardiac Arrest?

heart health

How Rapid is your Response Time to Cadiac Arrest? Having a rapid response time to cardiac arrest is crucial. Australia’s biggest cause of death and disability is sudden cardiac arrest and each year, an estimated 22,000 to 33,000 Australian lives are claimed each year.  Read More Having a rapid response time to cardiac arrest is crucial. […]

How a Healthy Diet Can Protect You From Disease?

How a Healthy Diet Can Protect You From Disease? The word diet can mean different things for different people. Finding the best way forward can also uncover a lot of anxiety. Studies have shown, that a healthy diet can protect you from disease. There are many reasons behind why someone should engage in a healthier […]