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Knowing When to Upgrade your Hospital Ward Equipment

As ward nurses, you play a crucial role in patient care, and having the right equipment is essential for providing the best possible service. But here’s an important question—does your equipment meet ASNZ 5369 infection control standards? Compliance isn’t just a checkbox; it’s key to maintaining a safe and hygienic environment for both patients and staff.


Efficiency and Productivity

If you find yourself spending too much time working around equipment limitations, it might be time for an upgrade. Modern equipment often comes with features that can streamline workflows and improve efficiency. For instance, advanced trolleys with improved organisation can significantly speed up various ward processes, allowing you to focus more on patient care.

Safety Considerations

The safety of both patients and staff should always be a top priority. If your current equipment poses any risk or doesn’t meet the latest safety standards, it’s time for an upgrade. For example, older IV poles might not have the stability required for modern infusion pumps, potentially leading to accidents or medication errors.

IV pole

Infection Control

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, infection control has become more critical than ever. If your current equipment doesn’t support easy cleaning or disinfection, it might be time to consider an upgrade. New equipment designed with infection control in mind can help reduce the risk of hospital-acquired infections.

Patient Comfort and Outcomes

Newer equipment can often provide better patient comfort and potentially lead to improved outcomes. For example, advanced IV poles with multiple hooks and adjustable heights can make it easier for patients to move around while receiving treatment, promoting mobility and recovery.


Staff Wellbeing

Consider how the equipment affects your physical health. A study on back pain among nurses found that 85% of respondents had experienced back pain. Equipment that’s ergonomically designed can help reduce the physical strain of your daily tasks.


Environmental Impact

When considering upgrades, think about the environmental impact. Newer equipment may be designed for easier recycling or repurposing at the end of its life cycle, supporting sustainability initiatives in healthcare settings.



Upgrading your medical equipment is an investment in your facility’s future and your patients’ well-being. When you’re ready to explore options for upgrading your equipment, visit Emery Industries’ shop page at


